About Me

Name: Umar the great
Home: Killing Generation Zone, Umar World ( 233,453,235, Galaxy)
About Me: Teenage son is willling to teach all of you to the heaven or guide all problems in this world!!!
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009
world in the GALAXY:

1) Shinon solar system
-renin planet(no living things)
-funen planet(age of wood[babarian b.c])
-gunein Planet (age of steel)
- and many more...

2) Sun solar system
-mercury (no living things)
-venus (no living things)
- Earth (age of civillization) {this planet is my vacation trip}
- mars (age of laser)
- and many more...

3) Team Ex Solar System
- Umar World (age of Dreams) { this is my home town }
- Syah world ( age of gravity ) { my alies}
- Rawiah world ( age of magnets) {my V.I.P}
- and many more...

4) Godic Solar System
- Gudin Planet (age of machines)[enemy]
- Gudoim Planet (age of spirits)[enemy]
- Godiaco Planet (no living things)
- and many more...

every friday have update!

posted by Umar the great @ 1:38 AM  

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