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Name: Umar the great
Home: Killing Generation Zone, Umar World ( 233,453,235, Galaxy)
About Me: Teenage son is willling to teach all of you to the heaven or guide all problems in this world!!!
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Saturday, March 28, 2009
Episode 3

Episode 3

Suddenly, the forces that we pulled waked up... they thanks us.... so we thanks back.... they say that thier place being attacked..... they cannot manage to defend thier planet... many of thier culture and families died to protect... and some were left there........

umar forces feel v. pity..... and say to the viking that we come in piece... but the viking did not understand us...... so we translate thier language.... finally they allied us..... the forces we pulled just now is forces from planet 'mariha' the solar system is very far from us...... we get some info about them....... so we have this info:

muriah solar system

- mariha (abondon)(died)
- Hinafu (abondon) (died)
- firusah (abondon)(conquered)
- russiu (last remaining) ( being attacked) ( age of gravity)

all these planet are one religion.. their religion is 'istanbullia' their religion almost extinxt....

we felt sory about their lost so.... give them supplies and make this funen planet be theirs...... al the viking accepted....

so we left their planet.. just then we left,...


some forces fro the back followed us...... we think tthat is the enemy told...... and we attacked them... when we attacked them...... they shouted help........ so we come closer to them..... they are badly damaged..... so we draged them to funen planet again..... and they told us that russiu managed to survived but they come again..... and we decided to help.....

so.. we sit there for some days to plan how to rescue the planet....
 so... i must go back to umar world...... to take some people to go to war..... so.... i went back home.... when i was journey to back home suddenly.. heard a spaceship sound coming.....

it was cofused.... suddenly we looked back and ......

 to be continue episode 4

posted by Umar the great @ 1:21 AM   0 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Episode 2

Episode 2


Thank you that the Syah Forces Came to help the Earth! syahforces and soldier help them by clean of the enemy forces.... the gudin Commander. say " What the.... This not fair..... Nvm .... Come soldiers! RETREAT!!!"

Syakur come to see me... but the U.N forces tell me that... they called Syah ... they have alliances with syah! so.. i have no worried with this planet... any more.. after a few days.....

my Soldier Came to Earth.. to Take me back ... There was 10.000 Battle warShip Waiting at the Surface of Earth...And finally I gone to this world!!!

"What a Long journey to earth... but now We came to Funen Planet to see What Happen!" i SAID!
SO We go there...... When We going there! Some Just Happen!!!!

Suddenly,  The Forces CAme .. We not sure What Forces is That!...... we come closer to them!....
suddenly They Talk like us... they need help..!

 so we dragged them until we reached to funen planet...
Funen planet we angry... because they don't kno us... they attacked us.. we are so pity for so just defend ourself.. and did'nt attacked themm. because they use iron sword.. and we use gravition lightsaber and tanks... so we are just let they attacked us as we just shield ourself with forced field... and then.....

To Be Continue..... episode3
posted by Umar the great @ 2:33 AM   0 comments
Episode 1
Episode 1

once upon atime there was a boy name umar... he was a king to this world! 'UMAR WORLD' 

The world was in full dream technologies...
 meaning: age of dreams means that all the human race sleeping and in that world....
all of the technologies there are used by brain that controled it...

 when umar grows up to be a 15 year old boy.... he started his  journey.... first he go to the earth...he buy a house there. he temporily stay on chua chu kang ave3 blk285...... 

when that time,
he don't have friends.... that is his first time to go to school..... he school at chua chu kang secondary school...... 

after a few days..... he have a friends name.. taufik... he is a kind boy.... and a boy name peiyan.... he's a smart boy.. but he always been tortured.. heheee!

ON 23 /3/2009 (EARTH) 
a space ship from Gudin Planet came to earth........ Gudin planet is our enemy!.... so the earth forces came to kill ed them but they is too many spaceships landed.... the earth forces many have been kill... 

i watched the news! the Gudin force.... have come to extinct the human race... so  with out min... i called the secretary of defence in the USA! so they..... take action... the UN forces(United Nation)... still could not stop them... they like the movie called terminator!!!.....

to be continue!!!! Episode 2.......
posted by Umar the great @ 1:40 AM   0 comments
world in the GALAXY:

1) Shinon solar system
-renin planet(no living things)
-funen planet(age of wood[babarian b.c])
-gunein Planet (age of steel)
- and many more...

2) Sun solar system
-mercury (no living things)
-venus (no living things)
- Earth (age of civillization) {this planet is my vacation trip}
- mars (age of laser)
- and many more...

3) Team Ex Solar System
- Umar World (age of Dreams) { this is my home town }
- Syah world ( age of gravity ) { my alies}
- Rawiah world ( age of magnets) {my V.I.P}
- and many more...

4) Godic Solar System
- Gudin Planet (age of machines)[enemy]
- Gudoim Planet (age of spirits)[enemy]
- Godiaco Planet (no living things)
- and many more...

every friday have update!

posted by Umar the great @ 1:38 AM   0 comments