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Name: Umar the great
Home: Killing Generation Zone, Umar World ( 233,453,235, Galaxy)
About Me: Teenage son is willling to teach all of you to the heaven or guide all problems in this world!!!
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Friday, April 3, 2009
Episode 4

Episode 4

   When we look behind....... we were suprise that a large forces.... from mars come... they talking to us but we can't understand a word... cause their language were totally different....... at least other planets we can understand thier signalling or words.. but this..one we can't understand a word or signalling.......so... we talk to themmm 'what do you want?' i said....

we were shock.... they just kill one of our spaceship..... but luckily one of our guys kno thier language... they say that they want to help as they are loser.... but we say that the forces that we are going to kill is strong..........

but then, they still following us... we tell them that they are not enough resources to survive for the journey to the russiu planet... but suddenly.... we saw something behind their forces... we saw a large ship carrying resource for their journey....

we laughed! we told them... ' so... u all are well prepared to going for battle for all these years...hahahaaa!' i said.....

so... we let them folow us....... they are to exited as their commander as looking evil but enosent... our army said that they are age of laser... they are surely not survived for the attacks and ambuse hitted to thier space battle ship.... but they are proud to fight... 'why don't we stopped them?' my commander said.... i replied ' it beacause they are proud to fight and they also want to explore the whole unvorse around us and take some suvineor to thier homes.....'...

but why don't they allied with the earth and protect earth? earth is wonderful and al lot to learn..?

we just dunno wat to say........ but we kno someday mars going to be strong planet........ after a few solar system...... finally

we reach umar world.... and my army of dreams are all ready waiting for my arrival.....! the mars forces we scared to look at us...... that why we told u  that mars are not so strong for the fight agaisnt strong enemies......

so.... at last we start our journey to save russiu planet...! we wanted to use the hyper blast to move super speed but mars forces are here to fight also.. we must not use the hyper or not the mar forces will lost their way and died alone!!.... when suddenly...

we feel not very ok.. SUDDENLY!!!!

to be continue Episode 5

posted by Umar the great @ 6:53 AM  

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