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Name: Umar the great
Home: Killing Generation Zone, Umar World ( 233,453,235, Galaxy)
About Me: Teenage son is willling to teach all of you to the heaven or guide all problems in this world!!!
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Episode 7

Episode 7

mars succed the first wave and our forces of umar world has fall..... some off our men say that how shameful of us that mars is much more stronger than us...

then we show mars what we can do.... i tell one of my commander donot show them yet but the commander refuse.....

the comander..... come to the mars forces and say that the second wave mars forces will not fight but only the comander fight alone........

the trumpet heard. TOOONG!!!! "the second wave coming!!!" the MArs say...
then the comander go straight forward to the enemies........

the comander say something and ....Sundenly ^&#$^&((*(!............. The unknown forces is summoned! the forces come right to the enemy and BASH them away.....!

the mars was sudden a while!

the summoning is 20 fighting carrier ship and 200 captains are there!!! Each carrier ship carries aoung 1200 fighting starjetster ( fight small ship) 

while suddenly they come the commander command them to finish the forces left in the area!
 Suddenly, the enemies commander come to me and say please forgive us that they need resources for their families to survive so they must conquer the solar system to make main resource to their planet.......

to be continue in next episodde 8! 
posted by Umar the great @ 6:51 AM   0 comments